This Is A Disaster

This Is A Disaster

Latest Episodes

Episode 24.5: [Tragedy Tuesday] Heron Road Bridge Collapse
March 24, 2020

In the summer of 1966, the construction of the Heron Road Bridge in Ottawa didn't go exactly to plan.  A cautionary tale about listening to the groaning woodwork, and for one worker about maybe staying away from construction sites... for the rest of his .

Episode 24: The Frank Slide (feat. Canadian History Ehx)
March 18, 2020

In 1903, the Turtle walked.  An ancient mountain that the indigenous people of the area knew not to mess with... what better place to build a town?  Better tuck it into the very base of a mine where gargantuan ancient forces spontaneously squeeze coal ou.

COVID-19: State of This Disaster
March 16, 2020

Peter and Leigh check in for a "Hey, howya doin'?"  A few tips for staying safe and protecting the most vulnerable, and our plan for self-isolation while keeping the disaster burning!   1) Avoid groups of people, cut any non-essential travel. 2) Wash you.

Episode 23.5: [Tragedy Tuesday] Hartford Circus Fire
March 10, 2020

In 1805, a man bought an elephant in a bar.  Little did he know, this would lead to a legacy alongside the Greatest Show on Earth... and also one of the most devastating fires the big top would ever see.  Exotic animals, gasoline-soaked tarp, an inferno,.

Episode 23: Typhoid Mary
March 04, 2020

In the early 19th century, family after family around New York City was contracting Typhoid Fever.  The only common denominator was a soft-spoken Irish cook named Mary.  Her temperament would be tested by an uncouth investigator and his persistence in co.

Episode 22.5: [Tragedy Tuesday] Jim Sullivan vs The UFO
February 25, 2020

Tell us if this sounds familiar: Popular in highschool, folk musician, disastrous ending.  The 1960s weren't kind to aspiring acoustic artists, and Jim Sullivan was no exception.  Nashville, pornography, and alien abduction.   Leigh's song pick:: Tea Lea.

Episode 22: Great Blizzard of 1888
February 19, 2020

Next time the weather is getting you down, think back to the time New York City was almost pulverized by the relentless Great White Hurricane.  Join us as we tell the story of a particularly bad winter day in 1888 NYC.  Aristotle, polar fronts, the Greel.

Episode 21.5: [Tragedy Tuesday] Chernobyl's Mental Health Fallout
February 10, 2020

Following the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the threat of radiation was ubiquitous.  While radiation took its toll physically, it took an arguably heavier toll on the minds of those that lived near the nuclear plant... and even the world at large.  A psych.

Episode 21: Chernobyl - Part 2
February 05, 2020

With the echoes of the Atomic Age fading, the USSR undertook an ambitious plan to build a huge number of massive reactors all along its western border.  Viktor Brukhanov was tasked with building the first four reactors at the Chernobyl nuclear generating.

Episode 20.5: [Tragedy Tuesday] Three Mile Island
January 28, 2020

In 1979 Jane Fonda starred in the China Syndrome, a movie about a nuclear meltdown.  Twelve days later, reactor 2 at Three Mile Island melted down.  Our special guest Norm tells us the story of what can go wrong at a nuclear power station and the actual .
