This Is A Disaster

This Is A Disaster

Latest Episodes

Episode 29.5: [Tragedy Tuesday] Four Bad Nights: The Who, Roskilde, Hillsborough, and Ten Cent Beer Night
June 02, 2020

Bad things come in fours.  Leigh tells us about a bottleneck at a Who concert, a stampede at the Roskilde festival, a human garlic press at a Hillsborough soccer match, and the perils of Ten-Cent Beer Night.  The Who, Pearl Jam, Liverpool versus Nottingh.

Episode 29: Brian Wilson's Smile
May 27, 2020

Leigh tackles one of his White Whales, talking about the ups, downs, and eventual collapse of the production of what could have been the Beach Boys' greatest album.  Human-sized kitty litter, songs about surfing, California girls, a questionable psychoth.

Episode 28.5: [Tragedy Tuesday] Cleveland Balloonfest 1986
May 19, 2020

What happens when you pick a fight with Mikey Mouse, and all you have at hand is two million latex balloons?  In 1986, United Way of Chicago found out.  A charity balloon release, a Guinness World Record, spooked prize horses, and a peek into Peter's pas.

Episode 28: Boston Molasses Flood
May 13, 2020

Special guest Karol (aka doom-rapper "garbageface") drops by the podcast to tell us about possibly the original sticky situation.  How could such a sweet treat turn deadly?  Maybe by storing two million gallons of it in a paper-thin water tower?  A cauti.

Episode 27.5: [Tragedy Tuesday] Gram Parsons: A Life Spent
May 05, 2020

How many tragic folk musicians from the 60s could there possibly be?  Leigh helps answer that question with the story of Gram Parsons.  You know you're hitting the rocks when Keith Richards tells you to slow down... Acoustic guitar, tequila and morphine .

Episode 27: Thera, Destroyer
April 29, 2020

Some disasters reverberate throughout history.  Santorini wasn't always a ring of islands...  there was a time it was the beautiful peak of a mountain island called Thera.  The archeological site at Akrotiri is our main portal into what exactly happened .

Episode 26.5: [Tragedy Tuesday] Nightmare at 41,000 Feet (12,500 Meters)
April 21, 2020

When it comes to measurement, there's the right way, and there's the Imperial system.  Sometimes when you make the switch from one system to the other, wires get crossed and things can go south.  Was that in liters, or gallons?  The history of the metric.

Episode 26: The Tunguska Explosion
April 15, 2020

Did you know that June 30th is International Asteroid Day?  Possibly because of a massive explosion in Siberia on that day in 1908.  While Russia was revolting (the first time), the Tungusic people of Eastern Siberia watched as the sky was torn in half b.

Episode 25.5: [Tragedy Tuesday] Blowing Smoke Up Your Ass
April 07, 2020

There is a long history behind the idea of resuscitating a seemingly dead person... but it's not all chest compressions and assisted-breathing. There was a time when someone blowing smoke up your ass was a bit more literal.  The road to modern CPR is pav.

Episode 25: New Mexico State Penitentiary Riot
April 01, 2020

On February 2nd, 1980, tensions came to a breaking point at the New Mexico State Penitentiary.  "But wait" you cry, "you said you don't cover acts of malice!"  Trust us, the disaster here is the bungling before, during, and after the riot.  Mistreat your.
