This Anthro Life

This Anthro Life

Latest Episodes

The Impact of Community-Centered Preservation on Micronesian Culture
February 22, 2024

How is the delicate balance between recording Micronesian cultural heritage, addressing community needs, and gaining international acknowledgment for preservation endeavors managed?Ashley in Microne

The Fight To Save Cultural Memory With Charles Henry
February 16, 2024

How can we use CLIR's help to protect our cultural heritage during climate change? Could telling stories be a big help in keeping our culture alive? Why must we work together to fight climate change a

Is Tech the Future of Funeral Services?
February 09, 2024

How is technology transforming end-of-life care experiences, and why are AI and automation crucial in reshaping the funeral industry? In what ways are cultural norms around grieving shifting, and what

Black Grief, White Grievance: Power, Loss, and Political Mobilization in America
January 31, 2024

Why does democracy inherently involve loss, and how do black grief and white grievance shape the intricate landscape of contemporary racial politics in the United States?In this insightful episode,

How Ethnographic Research is Shaping the Future of Insight in Business and Technology
January 25, 2024

How can businesses effectively integrate insights from social sciences like psychology and anthropology to gain a deeper understanding of human behavior, and how might this integration impact decision

From Taboo to Understanding: Carol Queen's Advocacy for Sex-Positive Mindset
January 17, 2024

Have you considered the untold stories in our perceptions of sexuality? How do community strength, the role of play and toys in sexual exploration, and the promotion of sex positivity, as seen through

Redefining Accessibility, Inclusion, and Human Rights with Victor Pineda
January 11, 2024

How does the interplay between big systems-level questions and fundamental human questions in accessibility, disability rights, and human potential? In this captivating episode of This Anthro Life, we

From Chaos to Clarity: How to Challenge Misinformation with James Mawhinney
January 04, 2024

What are the consequences of misinformation on personal relationships, business operations, and regulatory decisions? And how does the spread of misinformation pose an existential threat to society as

The Path to Long-term Happiness: A New Theory on Mental Health and Neurodiversity
December 27, 2023

The traditional view of mental health often focuses on the absence of mental illness, but a new theory is emerging that emphasizes the importance of neurodiversity and individual differences in the pu

The Search for Dignity and Respect: An Exploration of Human Universals
December 20, 2023

How do narratives shape our understanding of shared human experiences like dignity and respect? And, in what ways can an emphasis on human universals through inclusive narratives help fulfill fundamen