Third Hour of Power – This Mormon Life

Third Hour of Power – This Mormon Life

Gordon B. Hinckley- Chapter 4: The Pioneer Heritage of Faith and Sacrifice

February 16, 2017

How have you been blessed by The Pioneer Heritage of Faith and Sacrifice?
Chapter 4 of the Gordon B. Hinckley manual is a great reminder of The Pioneer Heritage of Faith and Sacrifice. As I consider the work they did, I wonder what I am doing to receive the gift they gave me. We talk about their sacrifice and what sacrifices we are asked to make; particularly as to go "To the Rescue."

If you are a teacher, or just want to feel the spirit, I suggest you share this video. I found it as a missionary and it instantly touched my heart. How will you help your Quorum and Class partake in their great pioneer heritage of faith and sacrifice?

I have my wife Kristie on the Third Hour of Power again. She has a unique insight as both a daughter of the pioneers and a convert. She currently serves as the Wolf Den Mother and has some neat printable cards you can use to welcome new cubs and saw goodbye to those departing. On Saturday Kristie had her annual "Galentine's Day Party" and I was instructed to take the kids and get out of the house. We went to breakfast and then saw the Lego Batman Movie. We made a video review that you should check out before you take your kids.


Opening Hymn: Come, Come, Ye Saints

Closing Hymn: Do What Is Right