Thinking with Sam Harrelson

Thinking with Sam Harrelson

Thinking Religion 101: The Sounds of Silence - Thinking.FM

March 23, 2017


Thomas and Sam discuss the persistence of memories, Evernote, device agnosticism, web automation services and whether the Karl Barth Chatbot will take off in the near-future.


* Simon & Garfunkel – The Sounds of Silence (Audio) – YouTube — People talking without speaking, People hearing without listening, People writing songs that voices never share And no one dared Disturb the sound of silence.
* Tech Dopp Kit 2 – thisisground — The Tech Dopp Kit 2 is a premium leather travel zip-up organizer with designated spots for all of your tech/technical gear. Its inspiration is half bento box, half traditional dopp kit—a 20th century-style travel bag with neatly arranged compartments for the modern pro’s tools.
* Apple has acquired Workflow, a powerful automation tool for iPad and iPhone | TechCrunch — Apple has finalized a deal to acquire Workflow today — a tool that lets you hook together apps and functions within apps in strings of commands to automate tasks. We’ve been tracking this one for a while but were able to confirm just now that the ink on the deal is drying as we speak.
* Why I finally replaced Evernote with Bear – The Verge — I found one in Bear, a year-old app for Mac and iOS by a three-person Italian design firm named Shiny Frog. Bear plays the sleek TextEdit to Evernote’s monstrous Microsoft Word: what you lose in absolute number of features you more than make up for in speed and ease of use. As a writer, I work in text, and text ought to be simple. Simplicity is Bear’s starting point — and, in my experience over the past few months, accounts for much of its success.
* Donald Trump: TIME Interview on Truth and Falsehoods | — Yeah, it’s been good though. It’s been good.
* Learn how IFTTT works – IFTTT — Do more with the services you love
* The best apps. Better together. – Zapier – Zapier — Easy automation for busy people. Zapier moves info between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work.
* Why I Switched To Todoist – Productivityist
* Now we’re talking: How voice technology is transforming computing | The Economist — This is a huge shift. Simple though it may seem, voice has the power to transform computing,