The Thing Committee

The Thing Committee

Thing Committee episode seven

March 15, 2013

The next big thing in Japan is just under an hour of mp3 goodness and you’re about to listen to it.

Here in Australia we call it the Thing Committee.

The agreeable and funny Matt Okine plus the incredibly intelligent, trustworthy and accurate Stuart Layt both join the committee this week, along with regular hosts Josh Withers and Steve Molk.

The general consensus is that it’s awkward just sitting there wondering whether a thing, is a thing, until the committee decides upon it, so in this show we decide on the following things:

  • Is the shortening of words a thing?
  • Are newspapers a thing?
  • Is Gen Y a thing?

Today’s podcast is sponsored by Treehouse

On Treehouse you will learn to build websites, create iPhone and Android apps, code with Ruby on Rails and PHP, or start a business in bite-size chunks, online.

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