The Thing Committee

The Thing Committee

Thing Committee episode three

February 15, 2013

A Perth flavoured Thing Committee meeting is in store for you in today’s episode. Steve Molk is joined by two Sandgropers plus one of those east coast visitors at the 96fm studios (thanks!)

Paul Cook, Steele Saunders, Carmen Braidwood and Steve Molk decide what’s a thing and what’s not a thing.

Today’s topics include vajazzling, beards, live TV, the Pope and sending “You’re not invited” cards for weddings.

Now available on iTunes, the iPhone and iPad Podcast app, Downcast, Windows 8 podcast app, Blackberry Podcast app, Stitcher and the new Holden VF Commodore. Or you can just click play on the button below. Send pineapples please.

Extra material on beards.

Today’s podcast is sponsored by Treehouse

On Treehouse you will learn to build websites, create iPhone and Android apps, code with Ruby on Rails and PHP, or start a business in bite-size chunks, online.

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