Thick to Thin

Thick to Thin

Episode 5… What is Crossfit??

March 13, 2014

this is why crossfit is awesome – because I do it in a dress! HAHA

SO, I know I talk about crossfit, all the time, so here’s a little rundown about what it is and why I think you should do it! (and below the blog there’s a few terms so that you can understand some of the things we are saying in the PODCAST! :) 

In the shortest definition possible, Crossfit is the “sport of fitness.†Crossfit combines elements of cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy, using a combination of fast-paced functional movements, Olympic lifts, and gymnastics.

In short terms, crossfit is a quick, hard, workout.. :) both body weight movements and throwing actual weight… it’s how you can get in shape and FEEL GREAT hahaha with awesome workouts everyday.

Now, everyone says, CrossFit is a cult, and sure, it has cult like tendencies…. People talk about it WAY too much, people ask, hey, do you do CrossFit, etc… but that’s only because the people that do it, they really love it. They love the fact that it’s different then your traditional workout at the gym, or a workout class at the gym, or doing P90X on your own…

This is my account… I was SOOOO scared to do it the first time, because I only felt like Elite athletes could do it, the people at my gym that had started doing CrossFit were the best of the best.. and I thought, oh HELL no, I’m not good enough to do this… till I did my first workout.. Filthy Fifty. It sucked, but you know what, I was HOOKED after that workout… people cheered me on, and pushed me to finish this grueling workout… From that point on, I knew, I had found something that was going to get me out of my slump of being over-weight, and give me the confidence again that I was good at a “sport”…

This is OUR crossfit BOX – many different bodies here, and ALL just as AWESOME as the rest…

It really did change my way of thinking… Before CrossFit, if I walked into a globogym, I felt uncomfortable, I didn’t want people to see me workout and see how I looked, and didn’t want them to see my big strong legs… and NOW I don’t care… No matter what I look like, because I’m certainly not thin or even close to that, but I have this feeling and thought that I’m nice and strong and athletic again and that’s the best feeling in the world… I just have this new swagger about me, yeah I said it, swagger HAHAHA, but I’ve completely changed my way of thinking.. I don’t see myself as this large and in charge women, I see myself as a strong badass athlete.

So that’s what the podcast is about – it’s about our takes on what we feel like crossfit is really about… and again, not trying to push anything on anyone, but just trying to explain why I love it so much, why it’s worked for me, and why CrossFit as a community is much more than you see on TV with these buff elite athletes, 99% are normal regular people like us… so, take a listen, and let me know what YOU THINK!

Crossfit terms:

WOD: Workout of the Day

Although Crossfit combines many other elements, one of the key characteristics is a daily workout, hence the “workout of the dayâ€. These are either done “AMRAP†(see below for definition) in a certain amount of time; or complete a circuit as fast as possible.

AMRAP: As many reps as possible

AMRAP workouts are timed with a fixed time limit in which you need to do As Many Reps (repitions) As Possible. The higher the number, the better!

EMOM: Every minute, on the minute

Another type of workout with a fixed time limit is EMOM, or every minute on the minute. These workouts are also scored as how many reps you can do overall, but note that as time goes on your rest periods will likely get shorter!

RX: As prescribed

The goal for any crossfitter is to be able to do the workouts RX’ed, or as prescribed. Since Crossfit workouts can be scaled based on abilities  the goal is to work your way up to what the workout is supposed to be like. Examples of scaling could be using a lighter weight, completing less repetitions, or doing assisted pull-ups.

PR: Personal Record

With any workout or lift, the goal is to strive for a PR, or personal record. This is a great way to measure progress and track results!



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