Thick to Thin

Thick to Thin

Episode 3… Moms and CrossFit!

February 15, 2014

Disclaimer! This week’s podcast was CrossFit heavy, and I’m sorry about that! haha! But we CrossFit and sometimes we have to talk about it :) First off, I know the podcast is called, Wine and Weightloss but it was a Saturday and all we had was beer! So, that’s what this week’s podcast was called haha, Beer and Weight Loss (which doesn’t go hand in hand we know haha). Well this week, we got to have an awesome guest, a MOM! I know I’m not a mom (obviously) and I can talk for hours about my struggles but I have a lot of awesome mom’s on the page, going through similar issues, but THEY have more on their plate then I do, they have families and kids and jobs AND WEIGHT LOSS… so, it was great having Becca on the show. She talked about what it’s like to have a family and juggle that, and juggle her crazy work schedule, and how she MAKES IT A POINT to get to the gym every single day… because it’s important to her! Listen to the podcast, I promise you will like it! :)

Our special guest, the amazing, BECCA!

We talked about the open, and how that’s coming up, and if everyone SHOULD enter or not… I think we had some good points!!! We played a fun game with truths and myths about weight loss and working out. I posted them below as well!!! :) Sarah was the winner, go figure… she probably cheated ;) I posted all 12 below, we only got through 5, but the rest are good to!

AND WE ALSO talked about the bottom five things to NOT say to a CrossFitter hahahaha… Well that pretty much sums last weeks podcast up, we found the soundboards, and that got kind of funny, but take a listen and enjoy!

Neil losing horribly at Myth or Truth!

The Truth or Myth game!!!

Myth: Sit Ups And Crunches Are Most Effective For Six-Pack Abs

Truth: Moves like planks and push ups are much more effective at carving out your ab muscles than sit ups and crunches. These exercises target your whole core and, when combined with cardio and a healthy diet, are the way to strengthen your abs.

Myth: Cardio Burns The Most Calories

Truth: If you want to burn more fat overall — and keep burning it long after your workout is over — weight training is the way to go.

Myth: Stretching Is Best Before Working Out

Warming up with cardio before a workout is much more effective than stretching. It will get your blood flowing and warm up your muscles, preventing injury. Save the static stretching for after your workout.

Myth: Weight Lifting Will Bulk You Up

Truth: Women aren’t built to bulk up the same way men do; females don’t have the testosterone levels necessary. Choose heavy weights with less repetitions instead of light weights with higher reps.

Myth: You Need Eight Glasses Of Water Daily

Drink as much water as you need for clear urine. We get a great deal of water from food, and if you’re not thirsty, there’s no reason to force yourself to down another glass.

Myth: Go Gluten-Free To Lose Weight

Unless you have celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity, there’s no need to go gluten-free. In fact, many gluten-free items have twice the carbs and much more sugar and fat than the regular versions.

Myth: It’s Too Late To Get In Shape

Truth: It’s never too late to begin a healthier routine. If you don’t exercise at all, start by walking 5 to 10 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time and adding in strength training after 1 to 3 months.

Myth: You Need A Long Workout

Truth: Your body starts burning fat as soon as you start exercising.If you can’t exercise for the 30 minutes a day recommended for adults, a shorter, intense workout is better than no workout.

Myth: You Need A Gym Membership To Get Results

Truth: You don’t need a gym membership or major equipment to work out. A yoga mat, resistance band or even a chair are all you need to get a full-body workout at home.

Myth: If You’re Not In Pain, You’re Not Working Hard Enough

Truth: While muscle soreness is to be expected during a workout, especially if you’re trying a new exercise or lifting a heavier weight, but if you’re in serious pain, stop what you’re doing. It doesn’t mean you’re working harder — it means you’re probably injuring yourself.

Myth: You Can Spot Reduce Fat

Truth: The areas your body stores fat in are genetic. In order to lose weight in one area, you have to lose weight all over. Calories in vs. calories out, in combination with exercise and strength training, are the only ways to “spot reduce” fat.

Myth: More Exercise Is Always Better

Truth: Intense exercising every single day will burn you out, making you less likely to maintain a routine. Your muscles need time to recover. You also might not be keeping your form as well during frequent, extra-long workouts. Focusing on a few days of quality exercise a week instead of 7 days of mediocre effort will earn you better results.

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