The Zone with Timm McCoy

The Zone with Timm McCoy

Episode #1106 "Star Trek"

August 31, 2016

Episode #1106 "Star Trek"By Timm McCoyGenre: PodcastTags: comedy, enterprise, gate mcfadden, robert duncan mcneill, robert oreilley, star trek, the next generationDownload : MP3 Audio

"Live Long And Prosper!" It's a comedy celebration of
Star Trek this month. We play comedy, parody and satire music and skits about
this beloved science fiction tv series. I mention the interviews I did with
Robert O'Reilly (Gowron), Gates McFadden (Dr. Beverly Crusher) and my dear
friend Robert Duncan McNeill (Tom Paris). Robbie, I call him Robbie, makes a
visit which is just a portion of our longer interview that you can find at click on "In-Terviews". I was also a Borg on The
Next Generation episode "I Borg" from Season 5. So tune in for a
great time as we celebrate "Star Trek" on the next "The Zone
with Timm McCoy". TRT: 107:10