The Hollywood Redux Podcast

The Hollywood Redux Podcast

The Bye Bye Man Review | The Hollywood Redux Podcast | Episode 401 - The Hollywood Redux Podcast

January 15, 2017

Last you heard from The Writers' Room they reviewed Rogue One: A Star Wars Story but like the phoenix, they were reborn from the ashes of 2016 as The Hollywood Redux Podcast to inaugurate 2017 with their review of The Bye Bye Man.

The Bye Bye Man's was adapted from Robert Damon Schneck’s short story "The Bridge to Body Island" and it's screenplay written by Jonathan Penner and directed by Stacy Title. The story of The Bye Bye Man follows Elliot, played by Douglas Smith, his girlfriend Sasha (Cressida Bonas) and John (Lucien Laviscount) as they embark in renting an off-campus house, from professor Daizy (Jonathan Penner). Surprised to be walking into an unfurnished pad, they begin to look for their promised goods. Hidden in a night stand, Elliot uncovers a secret message on the inside drawer, unknowingly releasing a dark entity known as The Bye Bye Man, who comes to prey upon anyone who thinks or speaks his name. Elliot and his friends have to try to keep The Bye Bye Man out of their minds and mouths with great struggle, from being spread any further. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it. Don't think it. Don't say it.

Play the podcast below for our full review!