The White Voice Network - The White Voice

The White Voice Network - The White Voice

The White Voice #63: Communist Mind Control, Wire Tapping, White Liberals

May 18, 2014

On this edition of The White Voice, Joe, John and Marie discuss the problem John ran into when a club told him him and his views were not welcomed there, the NYPD trying to trace people through their cellphones and voluntary registration, The Kathleen Parker article that says being privately recorded making politically incorrect comments is a great thing because it will force us to "edit our thoughts." We play Bill Maher's response and audio from other politicians who say we must deal with being spied on. 

Then we discuss White Liberals given the boot at the Wisconsin White Privilege conference in March, we have the secret audio! 

Also discussed: Michael Sam's ridiculous homosexual kiss is all manufactured. We have the proof.

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