The Wedding Podcast

The Wedding Podcast

TWP 022 : Anti Trash The Dress Shoot, A Great Addition To Your Wedding Photography

June 02, 2013

Trash the dress shoots have become popular but in this interview with Gabi from Global Image Photography and Video, she reveals a brand new option for great wedding styled photography after your wedding day where you get pampered and spoilt with your very own super model experience. Known as the "Anti Trash The Dress Shoot", it's a great addition to your wedding photography.

This unique and new idea is a fantastic alternative and just the opposite of a trash the dress shoot. In what Gabi and her team refer to as the Vogue package, you're treated like a star from the moment you (and a friend) are picked up, served champagne and taken to have hair and makeup done for the first shoot of the day.

From hair and makeup, it's into your newly cleaned bridal gown and onto location stop one. The rest of the day is filled with different locations, hair and makeup retouches and photos in a much more relaxed environment than your wedding day.

During the interview we cover topics including:

The anti trash the dress shoot

The different elements of the day
Choosing locations
The best time of day and year for your wedding in Western Australia
A huge Ethiopian wedding
Hungarian wedding traditions (where Gabi is originally from)

Whether or not you're from W.A, this style of shoot is something you can enquire about with your wedding photographer or a photographer that was possibly out of your price range for a full day wedding shoot.

Links to sites mentioned in the podcast:
Global Images Wedding Photography and Video -

Do you have a wedding concern about your day?

If you have something you'd like covered on the podcast, be sure to let me know and I'll find the right expert to answer your concerns or give you the very best advise to help you have the perfect wedding day.

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Have a great week

Speak soon


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