The Way Radio

The Way Radio

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Addiction – Idolatry or Sin?
May 28, 2023

The Way Radio Podcast Episode 0111Addiction - Idolatry or Sin?It is common these days for Christians and Christian ministries to refer to addiction as idolatry.But is addiction idolatry - or is it sin? If labelling addiction as idolatry is in error,

Responses to the Gospel
May 21, 2023

The Way Radio Podcast Episode 0110Responses to the GospelSharing the gospel without compromise can obviously lead to winning souls for the kingdom and the edification of the saints. But it can also lead to confrontation, rejection, abuse, and persecut

Stolen Worship and Praise
May 07, 2023

The Way Radio Episode 0109Stolen Worship and PraiseIn the much of the modern Church, recovery programs are looked to and relied on rather than looking to Christ and relying on Him and the power, authority, and sufficiency of His word. Through this, pe

Passing Through Babylon
April 23, 2023

The Way Radio Episode 0108Passing Through BabylonAmerica now, seems similar to the apostate Church in the 1500s prior to the Protestant Reformation.I believe what we see in the terrible events of this time is un-checked human nature on exhibit in al

Comfort in Life and Death
April 02, 2023

The Way Radio Episode 0107Comfort in Life and DeathAs I mentioned in the last episode, I want to begin looking at the Heidelberg Catechism on this podcast and apply it not only to overcoming sins of addiction/alcoholism, but also to help us gain a gre

The Search for Comfort
March 12, 2023

The Way Radio Episode 0106The Search for ComfortI was contacted by two more people over the last week looking for a way for churches to reach those trapped in the sins of addiction/alcoholism.All we need to reach anyone trapped in any sin is provide

Continue Steadfastly in Prayer
February 26, 2023

The Way Radio Episode 0105Continue Steadfastly in Prayer - Colossians 4:2-4Prayer is not escapism, it is the true reality, part of the natural state of a believer.Without prayer, we cannot carry out the ministries the Lord has blessed us with. Every

Weapons of Warfare
February 19, 2023

The Way Radio Episode 0104Weapons of WarfareRelative truth, the rejection of absolute truth which is the word of God, calling lies truth and truth lies, calling good evil and evil good. This insanity is a hallmark of a society in rapid decline.For C

That Your Joy May Be Full
February 12, 2023

The Way Radio Episode 0103That Your Joy May be Full"These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full." - John 15:11Christ - the all-encompassing joy that is only in Him, could wash away so much of the pain

The Logos, The Truth, The Singularity
January 12, 2023

The Way Radio Episode 0102The Logos, The Truth, The SingularityIn this age of Jesus being fashioned to conform to the image of mans imaginings, when it seems acceptable for a professing Christian to have a god of their own understanding based on thei