Inside Medical Assisting

Inside Medical Assisting

The #1 Skill Medical Assistants Need!

August 09, 2020

When will my dreams become my reality? When will I achieve the success that I know I am deserving of? What more do I need to do? The answer is inside.

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Shadette Brittingham, Division Surgery Specialty Manager at Beebe Medical Group
As I have transitioned from direct patient care as a Medical Assistant into a role of management, I intend to focus on training and development as well as mentor ship. My skills strongly suggest a role in care coordination as the industry shifts more towards the patient centered medical home environment.
Other Podcast with Shadette: The Value of the Medical Assistant VS Nurse in a Medical Practice.
Contact Information: LinkedIn

“If you can change the way people think. The way they see themselves. The way they see the world. You can change the way people live their lives. That’s the only lasting thing you can create.”  ― Chuck Palahniuk, Choke

Lawrence Laganelli, Producer
Creator, Medical Assisting Student Reverse Role Employment Method
Administrator, Medical Assistants with Experience Network Group The Largest Online Medical Assisting FaceBook Group In The U.S.A. 
Administrator, National Allied Health Educators Networking Facebook Group. 
My Contact Information:

When will my dreams become my reality? When will I achieve the success that I know I am deserving of? What more do I need to do? The answer is inside.

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Shadette Brittingham, Division Surgery Specialty Manager at Beebe Medical Group
As I have transitioned from direct patient care as a Medical Assistant into a role of management, I intend to focus on training and development as well as mentor ship. My skills strongly suggest a role in care coordination as the industry shifts more towards the patient centered medical home environment.
Other Podcast with Shadette: The Value of the Medical Assistant VS Nurse in a Medical Pr...