The Vision Board Podast

The Vision Board Podast

Episode 161 - Dr Jose Antonio - CEO & Founder International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN)

July 31, 2017

Our special guest is Dr Jose Antonio. Dr Antonio is CEO & co-founder of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. He is an Assistant Professor of Exercise and Sports Science at Nova South Eastern University in beautiful South Florida. He completed a PHD & post-doctoral research fellowship at the University of Texas South Western medical centre in Dallas, Texas.

You will learn plenty from Dr Jose Antonio in episode 161 of The Vision Board Podcast.

3:35 - welcome Dr Jose Antonio
4:30 - insights into the origins of the ISSN
5:33 - 2017 ISSN conference in Arizona
6:36 - what is Sports Nutrition ?
8:10 - what is the starting point of Sports Nutrition?
9:55 - the dangers of bad nutritional advice
12:20 - the strengths of the ISSN in regards to education
14:55 - insights into the evolution of the ISSN
16:55 - in the early 2000's how Creatine shaped Sports Nutrition Science
19:40 - a story on the growth of the last 14 years of Sports Nutrition
21:10 - the marketing behind the early days of supplementation
25:40 - Insights into the savagery of Chris Algieri
26:10 - Creatine as a brain supplement? For memory and protection ?
29:15 - the death of Korey Stringer, heat stroke and facts about brain activity
32:35 - advice on daily dosing creatine
34:49 - fitness fads and a look into the future of Sports Science
36:20 - why adherence rather than variance is key regarding dieting
41:35 - the best sites to find the best science based content (
43:48 - advice on protein supplementation
44:58 - the movie What the Health? And Jose's take on it..."there's a sucker born every minute"
47:35 - Dave Asprey, Crossfit and Bulletproof Coffee (23 Pectoral Tears and Progressive Overloads)
49:08 - the general school of thought on daily protein consumption
52:35 - probiotics and recent studies
54:55 - antibiotics and our micro biome

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