The UV Effect Podcast

The UV Effect Podcast

EP.039 – Using Creativity For Social Change with Maya Penn

May 22, 2018
Inspiration is in full effect on this episode of the UV Effect Podcast. I had the pleasure of speaking to Social Entrepreneur, Animator and fellow Gen Zer, Maya Penn. At only 18 years old, Maya is making a global impact in her efforts in making the world a healthier place for generations. Maya doesn't just talk the talk through her TED Talks and numerous speaking appearances, she is also walking the walk by producing eco-friendly fashion products through her company, Maya's Ideas.

Did you know that the fashion industry is the second largest polluter of our environment? It sure is! In this interview, Maya shares practical steps that we can all take to reduce waste and still enjoy a fashionable lifestyle. We also discuss small but important ways we can all impact the things care about.

Gen Z is here for change, and you've got a front row seat. Get those notepads ready, it's time for another inspiring episode of #TheUVEffect with Maya Penn.