The UV Effect Podcast

The UV Effect Podcast

EP.038 – UV15: Perseverance is EVERYTHING

May 14, 2018

A couple weeks ago, I experienced one of the most physically draining but exciting weekends in my life. I had to handle a television appearance and two coast to coast events in two days while dealing with being ill.  The adrenaline from all that was going on helped to keep me going but there were times that I felt that I could not make it all happen and perhaps, it just was not going to work out. Fear tried to rear its head and that’s when perseverance became everything.

Having fear or confidence is a choice that is made when you decide to see yourself as you think you are instead seeing yourself as who you’ve always been. We look at our lives in fragments, and when we are afraid, we see the most negative fragments. The moments that put us in a bad light make us look incapable. But In order to choose confidence, you have to be willing to see the entire picture, to realize you are not dictated by your experiences, your experiences are dictated by you. And failure will not be what dictates your future but rather how hard you decide to push, and how many times you decide to get up.

Perseverance isn’t supposed to be easy, that’s why it has the word severe in it. The struggle is what makes you great, the pain is what makes you strong and the outcome is what makes you valuable.