The Trusty Crowbar

The Trusty Crowbar

123: Farewell - Game Of The Year

December 27, 2015

We countdown our top 4 games of the year in a roundtable discussion from four to one. So as not to spoil the episode we won't post our picks here until a little while later.
Rhys is moving away and he will be surely missed. He is off to start his own game career making them and we wish him the best of luck.
The podcast is taking a break for a while to get a revamp and work out some technical issues. We hope to see you back in the new year and we hope to all still be talking about the things we love. Video Games. 
THANK YOU everyone for listening. We hope you have enjoyed our ranting over the last two and a bit years. We loved making these. It was the best excuse to hang out with great mates.