The Treatment Room

The Treatment Room

The Treatment Room Special – Chaperones

November 04, 2021

Another podcast special for The Treatment Room: We welcome Sandra and Sarah from HCPG, to The Treatment Room for a special chat around the use of chaperones.
In this episode we discuss:

* Who can be a chaperone?
* If family members come along, what is their role?
* Who can request a chaperone?
* Can family members interpret for the patient?
* What happens if this is something you can’t offer in your clinic?

The list below is not comprehensive. HCPG does not endorse or recommend any provider. These are samples to start your research . The web will provide far more.
It is worth noting that several local authorities provide interpreter services but they often need to be arranged in advance,


To see all the services HCPG offer including those discussed in this podcast please visit: