The Thought Hackers

The Thought Hackers

44 – Depression And Lost Connections With Johann Hari

April 12, 2018

Depression and anxiety are now the most common mental illnesses in the US.

New York Times bestselling author Johann Hari carried out a bold three-year investigation about what really causes this, and how to actually solve these disorders.

Hari suffered from depression since he was a child.
And was subsequently told by doctors that his problems were caused by a chemical imbalance in his brain.

He started taking antidepressants at 18—but he remained depressed, no matter the dose.

When Johann embarked on his research into this mystery, he discovered that the real figures show that 65 to 80 percent of people taking an anti-depressant are still depressed.

Find More About Depression & ‘The Lost Connections’ Book Online 
‘Lost Connections‘ Website