The Thin Place

The Thin Place

Episode #29: Zero Dark Thirty and Historical Fiction

February 03, 2013

Todd and Ken examine the morality of making stories about other people’s lives. What is the difference between "truth" and "accuracy," and is accomplishing one ever an excuse for neglecting the other? Should historical fiction be judged differently from imaginative fiction? Why or why not?


0:00 - Should we judge historical fiction differently?

4:45 - One person's suffering is another's entertainment

8:57 - The opposite of truth is not fiction: Zero Dark Thirty

13:53 - Dead Man Walking and agenda-driven films

18:45 - Do we trust the artist?

27:00 - Truth telling and story telling: Zero Dark Thirty again

33:00 - What bothers Todd more than historical inaccuracies?

38:00 - What do we want in historical movies?

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