skwealthacademy 3Cs podcast

skwealthacademy 3Cs podcast

#105: The Danger of Trading a Nearly Untradeable Market

June 16, 2020

Today's stock markets are nearly untradeable due to the systemic fraud built into global corporate trading systems designed to separate clients from their money as well as Central Banker monetary policy aimed at only helping the 1%. To inexperienced traders attempting to make a quick dollar in highly fraudulent markets, though all financial advisors/ brokerage firms are perpetually trying to convince people to invest in markets 24/7 no matter if markets are stagnant, bullish or bearish, this is one market in which all inexperienced traders are more liable to lose their shirt than in which to get rich quick.Podcast Show NotesAn example of Patron Only investment tips: the performance of 14 stocks that I publicly stated to short on my news site at the start of 2020, 13 of which returned high double digit to triple-digit profits on put option strategies: