skwealthacademy 3Cs podcast

skwealthacademy 3Cs podcast

#89: Live in Power and Light, Not in Fear and Darkness

June 08, 2020

I urge everyone to give in to love because exercising love causes our fears to disappear, it emboldens us to speak out, to stand up for truth, to be courageous, honorable, to treat all equally with dignity with no concern for religious, political, national, or socioeconomic boundaries, and to exercise our morals and principles. Podcast timeline 0:00-4:25 Speak up or forever lose your voice; 4:25-13:40, The biggest trick TPTB have played on us; 13:40-34:40 Be mindful of how your consumption patterns clarify or pollute your thinking; 34:40-45:00 Are your beliefs adopted or learned? 45:00 to 58:50 Speech without action is empty calories.Support us by becoming a patron! Visit and learn about exclusive skwealthacademy benefits for patrons only.IMPORTANT: Please note that the first several audio uploads to this new podbean podcast channel will skip around in numbers, but that ALL video formats of the missing audio podcasts are available at my youtube channel, skwealthacademy podcast. After podcast #99 or so, all the subsequent podcasts should be available in audio files online, whether here or on itunes or spotify.