The SuperDad Show

The SuperDad Show

#44 The Integral Alpha With George Katsiouras

July 18, 2019

The true definition of a powerful man is...A man who defines himself.

When your goals, actions, and results come from an extension of your values and character you become more powerful, when they don't you create the illusion of power.

Today we are joined by the man who wrote this, George Katsiouras. He is the founder of The Integral Alpha, which, essentially helps men to become iresistable to love, and live from a place of integrity.

Some of the questions covered on this podcast:

•What does the word power mean in relation to being a powerful man?

•What are the strong values that George feels are important for men to express to the world?

•If every man is inherently powerful and it's not learnt, it's revealed, how is power revealed to us?

•How does a Dad who has been burnt by his previous relationship with the mother of his children, who is perhaps experiencing a lot of trauma and insecurities now, regain his confidence to put himself out there and try again, without making the same mistakes again?

•What are the two things to base partner selection on?

•What are the 4 things that are necessary for men and their partner to have for a successful relationship?

•What is George's advice to Dads who have lost everything financially? Had a failed business that has sent their family into a place of major financial hardship?

•Why should we celebrate our wins and become our greatest encourager?

•What are the 6 levels of powerlessness?

•How can we communicate more effectively with our partner?

•What drove George to become a dating coach, tantric teacher, learn NLP, and deep dive into personal development of many different forms?

Join George's Facebook group, Integral Alpha here:

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