The SuperDad Show

The SuperDad Show

#43 Emotion Coaching With Stephanie Wicker

July 02, 2019

Stephanie Wicker is a child behaviour expert, parenting educator, counsellor and speaker - who has successfully guided families through early childhood for over 15 years. Through her experience with private consultancy, as a preschool teacher and special needs therapist - she has worked across the many facets of early childhood behaviour.

Stephanie's evidence-based programs are grounded in behaviour science and her passion for Relational Frame Theory (RFT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and developmental psychology all play a big role in her programs.

Let's get the big words out of the way first...

•What on earth is Relational Frame Theory and Acceptance & Commitment Therapy and how do they relate to parenting?
•Breaking the behaviour management wheel by introducing emotion coaching
•Acting not reacting to the behaviours of our kids
•Understanding the brain and why kids (and adults) flip their lid
•Small stressors that trigger our emotional brain cause a fight/flight response
•Separating our child from their emotional response and not taking things so personal
•What to do when kids push our buttons
•The brains No. 1 job is to keep us safe
•What does it mean to be an emotion coach?
•How do we teach our kids to deal with failure and adopt a growth mindset?
•The 3 step strategy that Stephanie uses to teach her client to check in with their emotions
•Are you like me and too quick sometimes to jump in and try to fix things for others?
•Practice a willingness to feel how they feel
•Create a bridge for them to cross
•Following the emotions we want to feel
•What are Jarrod's Top 5 Family Values and why?
•Stephanie's building blocks for raising resilience in our kids
•Helping our kids navigate the big questions of life
•Family time and how to make the most of it
•Quality VS Quantity
•Meeting our kids where they are at and enjoying their interests with them
•10 minutes of playing with our child is more therapeutic than 10 minutes of journalling

To get in touch with Stephanie, you can go to her website or follow her on social media.

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