The SuperDad Show

The SuperDad Show

#42 All The Rage With Darcy Lockman

June 16, 2019

Why do so many good Dads think they're doing enough around the home and their wives don't?

If you were to take a stab at it, out of 100, what would you say is the amount that you do around your home compared to your wife? Making sure there is food in the fridge, healthy cooking is done, the kids have clean clothes, your kitchen and floors aren't a breeding ground for nasties, school fees are paid, bills aren't left overdue, and permission slips are returned so your kids don't miss out on their school excursion? Now go ahead and ask your wife like I did.

Today we are talking to Darcy Lockman. She recently released a book called All the Rage: Mothers, Fathers, and the Myth of Equal Partnership. She is advocating on behalf of Mothers everywhere for a 50/50 split in parental and household chores when both parents work. According to studies, the average Dad is only doing around 35%, and women are quietly (or maybe not so quietly in your home) holding resentment that is affecting relationships.

This is an important episode for both Mums and Dads to listen to. It will hopefully open up a tough conversation that needs to be had for the benefit of our home lives.

If you're interested in learning more, you can order Darcy's book here:

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