The SuperDad Show

The SuperDad Show

#41 Mind Power Training With Nick Emms

June 09, 2019

On this episode, we are joined by SuperDad member Nick Emms, who opens up about the massive growth that occurred for him after breaking up with the mother of his children.

We learn about Nick's life journey including:

•Where Nick was born.
•How he dealt with his Dad's expectations being different to his own.
•What happened when Nick met an Australian girl in the UK and moved to Australia to be with her.
•How he dealt with the breakup of his relationship
•Being alienated from his family and the impact on Nick.
•How Nick learnt to defeat his own worst enemy, and become his best friend.
•Learning to meditate and look inwards.
•What it was like being in Nick's head in the depths of depression over his breakup.
•How he replaced his negative thoughts with gratitude for the smallest and largest of things.
•Focusing on his passions and rediscovering himself through art, writing and study.
•How Nick learnt to protect his emotional side.
•Nick's biggest turning point, quitting his job and focusing on himself.
•What Nick learnt from studying ancient history and philosophy.
•Egyptians wisdom on the third eye and energy.
•Learning to communicate deeply.
•The story of the tree called Humanity.
•How Nick changing himself has affected his relationship with his ex and kids.
•Releasing resentment and accepting that he can't change anyone else's behaviour but his own.
•Compassion = Evolution
•Self awareness came from becoming personally responsible for the conditions of Nick's life and choosing how wanted to feel rather than being controlled by others.
•Break societal conditioning
•Learn to control the mind
•Everybody wants to live in a happy, joy-filled world.
•How it all starts with changing ourselves!

If you resonated with Nick story and would like to follow him, go to

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