The SuperDad Show

The SuperDad Show

#38 Tame Your Temper With Jackie Hall

May 15, 2019

Do you sometimes feel like an angry parent, who as much as you try to remain calm, find your frustration bubbling to the surface all too quickly, all too often? Maybe you had this idea when you became a parent that you were going to be the king or queen of discipline. That your kids would respectfully obey your desires, and learn the lessons you aim to teach with polite gratitude...

But the reality is a little bit different. Our children were born with unique personalities, every day throw our way a rollercoaster of emotions, and are on a developmental journey that simply doesn't bend to our will like we sometimes want or need it to.

I've been that angry Dad, who feels so incredibly guilty that I have lost my cool at the smallest of things which in the grand scheme of things really don't matter. I've caused myself more stress as a parent beating myself up for my outbursts than is healthy, and all that did was exacerbate the problem. My reactions....

6 months ago, I came across a program called The Tame Your Temper Challenge. It was a 28 day audio program that aims to reshape the mindset of parents, and find more calm within the chaos.

Well today, we are joined by its founder Jackie Hall. She is a qualified counsellor who has helped over 20,000 Mums and Dads through her business The Parental Stress Centre.

What we cover on this episode:

•Jackie's Story
•From breakdown to breakthrough
•The little voice that said "No-one can change the way you feel about your life. Only you can."
•Applying all of Jackie's personal development to parenting.
•Training herself to think and feel differently.
•Changing our perspective
•How to acting not react
•Perception VS Reality
•Stop rolling around in our 'pit of shit'
•Accept what is right in front of us so we are not in conflict with reality.
•Explaining to our children how to help us manage our emotions better
•Helping our kids to understand the difference between perception and reality
•"Mummy you need to change your mind"
•How to tame our temper in the moment
•Don't try and change something that is happening in the moment when you are both in a stressed state
•When calm, have conversation about the situation and how to handle it better together next time
•Breathing in and out through the heart
•Change your feeling centre
•Bring yourself back into emotional balance
•Be a solution finder when you are in a rational state of thought
•When it comes to our kids, be what we want our children to be, do and think
•A measurable electromagnetic field radiates from us towards our kids
•Are the bad behaviours our kids are engrained in right now there for life or can we teach them to overcome them too?
•Knowledge, repetition, consistency to help them to change
•What would Jackie say to a parent who is feeling like a failure as a parent?
•What's coming up for The Parental Stress Centre?

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