The SuperDad Show

The SuperDad Show

#35 Oh The Daddy You'll Be! With Dr. Chris Celio

March 19, 2019

On this episode we are joined by Dr. Chris Celio. He is a devoted husband and father of two, a psychologist, and the author of a number of books aimed at bringing a fun new twist to children's books for Dads.

0 - 3:00 An Excerpt from Dr. Chris's book, Oh, The Daddy You'll Be
3:00 - Where did the inspiration come from for the book?
4:00 - The most exciting and challenging thing he's ever done.
5:41 - He wrote a book called The Very Expensive Baby, a parody to The Very Hungry Caterpillar
6:15 - Did Dr Chris have a good network of Dads around him when his daughter was young?
6:55 - Joining a Dads softball team for fun, certainly not to win to games.
7:38 - Dr Chris's experience as a psychologist
8:37 - Working with adults with serious mental illness
9:10 - A lot of men were self medicating and that was a huge reason for those who Dads losing their family.
9:45 - How does Dr Chris help these Dads to be able to see their families again?
10.45 - Don't aim for perfect, just try to be a little bit better, one day at a time.
11:26 - Finding other ways to be happy, enjoy the quiet times instead of trying to continue to re-live the crazy times.
12.45 - Find people to be healthy influences on your life.
13:25 - Find ways to enter back into your child's life, even if just through social media.
14:00 - Keep the hope, keep working on yourself, stay alive, stay on track.
14:15 - Statistics on kids who grow up in fatherless homes.
15:15 - We all need people who give us hope, provide a support system, don't get together to drink but rather just catch up for fun, bonding activities.
16:18 - Does online connection work as well as face to face meetups?
17:25 - Dr Chris was the only Dad in a Mother's group and learnt so much.
18:10 - Jarrod's experience taking a parenting course at the age of 22 to understand parenting and be less judgemental of his single mother friend.
20:27 - Don't settle for the parent you are now. Keep developing yourself.
20:56 - Connect to strong family values and principles.
21:36 - What is Dr Chris's understanding of what it means to be SuperDad?
22.41 - Dr Chris is reading a book called No Drama Discipline
23.40 - Nights out to himself or with his wife to take care of himself and his relationship.
24:05 - What is Dr Chris's No. 1 Core Family Value?
25:00 - Dr Chris joined SuperDads Online in 2017
26:11 - Dr Chris says SuperDads Online is a fantastic group of guys who truly connect on a deeper level.
27:13 - Dr Chris upcoming book to help new Dads through the pregnancy process.
29:20 - We will continue to step up and be our best selves, our alter ego, SuperDads!

Buy Chris's books now on amazon here:

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