The SuperDad Show

The SuperDad Show

#28 The Manual For Parenting With Samantha Jockel

August 06, 2018

On this episode, we meet Samantha Jockel, the creator of Parent TV. It is by far the best, most comprehensive educational resource for parents I think you or I have ever come across.

With a background in social work, and a concern for suicide rates being at an all time high, Samantha created Parent TV to bring together the World's most renowned parenting experts.

As a mother of three, and the owner of two very large Facebook communities, Aldi Mum and School Mum, that have a combined social media following of over 500 000 people, Samantha knows first hand the challenges parents face both new (technology and social media) and old (parenting in general) in our World.

Parent TV is parenting advice on demand. It is an affordable, ad free, agenda free online platform with an ever growing library of bite size, quality content you can watch/listen to on any device and share with your partner. It has the built in ability to create personal profiles for you, your partner, and each of your children, identifying your greatest challenges and pointing you to the most relevant content. It literally becomes the only manual you will ever need to find answers to your most burning parenting questions.

As a regular listener of The SuperDad Show, for a limited time you have the opportunity to gain access to Parent TV at an amazing discounted rate.

Simply go to, sign up and enter the coupon code ' superdad ' to get $20 off your yearly membership, a bargain not to be missed at just $29.

Parent TV has become one of my favourite places online because there is so much to explore, so many things to learn on there. In fact in the very near future, we will be using it as part of the SuperDad Membership to spark discussions and keep growing our skills as parents and partners together.

Again, go to and sign up now for just $29 using the discount code ' superdad ' .

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