The SuperDad Show

The SuperDad Show

#26 Philanthropic Entrepreneurship With David Fraser And Kim Strong

July 23, 2018

On this episode, we are joined by David Fraser And Kim Strong.

David is a Dad of two teenagers and one 5 year old. He is a serial entrepreneur with a masters degree in counselling, positive psychology, and a myriad of certifications from the Napoleon Hill Foundation. He is also the founder of Kinetic Solutions - a company that provides some of the most innovative and leading edge training and coaching to help people unleash their true potential.

Kim Strong has worked with David for many years with The Solution Network. He has a double degree in arts and public health. He is a war veteran who grew up in Zimbabwe. He is a father to 5 kids, two of them adopted after stepping in and stepping up as a foster parent. He is a surrogate father and mentor to many others, as well as working in disability support. He is a grandfather of 2.

It seemed fitting to begin this conversation with a quote by Napoleon Hill -

"Whatever it is that you lack in education, or knowledge, or influence, you can always obtain it through somebody who has it. Exchange of favors and exchange of knowledge is one of the greatest exchanges in the world."

I hope you enjoy this episode - We start with David sharing his hindsight on the beginnings of The Solution Network - a company they started together to develop collaborative strategies with non-profit organizations and philanthropic companies for the strengthening of local communities.

We talked about:

- Hindsight lessons from starting a charity and trying to make it pay to support your family.
- Collaboration and being clear about people's intentions and your expectations within that partnership.
- Opportunity Cost - calculating the cost of your time and energy.
- Who is a Superdad and who is not, as I see it right now.
- My challenges wearing many different hats.
- Finding clarity with the future direction of the SuperDads.
- Setting boundaries and what happens when they are broken.
- SWYGDI - So what you gonna do about it?
- You watch me, I watch you.
- We're only really doing what we didn't like our parents doing.
- We are more likely to learn from stuff we are hurt or injured by.
- Why parenting isn't the hardest job in the world.
- Why parenting is the most rewarding job in the world!
- The start of our cooperative working to revolutionize the SuperDads.
- Kim's 5 Rules - Be polite, be courteous, be respectful, don't swear, don't whine.
- Do as i say, do as I do.
- The appropriateness of using swearing.
- Failed entrepreneurs who just don't want to work for somebody.
- You need to learn entrepreneurship just like you learn to be a bank teller.
- 10 years of pain for 4-5 years of true entrepreneurial success.
- When are the stakes too high - leveraging risk as an entrepreneur.
- A cooperative of Dads wanting to be great Dads, partners, and successful entrepreneurs.
- Empowering people to live lives free from stress and full of pleasure.
- Men as hunters and gatherers.
- David's passion for making money is helping people make money.
- One of the main reasons we stress is we just don't understand things well enough.
- Preparation and planning rather than flying by the seat of our pants.
- Fortitude and perseverance for success.
- Pulling a rabbit out of a hat.
- Multiple income streams.
- Why simple is best.
- Focusing on the things that give us the biggest bang for our buck with the least opportunity cost.
- Failure to launch.
- So much more!

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