The Sugar Switch® Podcast

The Sugar Switch® Podcast

Latest Episodes

Create Your Shift, Part 5 – Your Priceless Asset TSSP147
April 07, 2021

Do you realize that you were given a priceless asset the day you were born? This Episode, Part 5 of the Create Your Shift series, shakes things up and shines an entirely different light on the most valuable asset you will EVER have,

Create Your Shift, Part 4 – Stand in Your POWER! TSSP146
March 31, 2021

Have you ever felt powerless when it comes to making positive changes in your health? This Episode is all about the POWER you already have, and how you can stand in that power to create your own unique health shift.

Create Your Shift, Part 3 – Journaling Is Invaluable! TSSP145
March 24, 2021

Looking for the perfect companion tool to help you move your health and wellness forward? Journaling could be just what you need! This Episode takes a serious look at the simple, yet amazing ways you can use journaling to help you create your unique sh...

Create Your Shift, Part 2 – Listen to Your Body! TSSP144
March 17, 2021

Listen do you hear what your body is telling you? It could be a key factor in creating your unique and wonderful health and wellness shift! This Episode is Part 2 in a terrific series that can help y

Create Your Shift, Part 1 – Small Changes, Big Impact! TSSP143
March 10, 2021

Have you ever wanted to create a shift in your life, specifically in your energy and overall health, but felt overwhelmed and perplexed about where to start and how to accomplish it? This new series of Episodes is all about helping you create your uniq...

7 Ways to Switch OFF Cravings! TSSP142
March 03, 2021

Got relentless cravings for sugar and/or refined foods? Youre not alone, and there are definite steps you can take to help you switch those cravings OFF! In this Episode Cathy starts with 7 differ

7 Ways Exercise Helps You Stay Young TSSP141
February 24, 2021

Can exercise REALLY make a difference when it comes to staying young? Actually - it CAN! In this Episode, Cathy explores 7 ways that exercise can help you maintain your youthfulness. Each of these 7 ways is linked to a different aspect of your healt...

Water – Your Life Sustaining Essence TSSP140
February 17, 2021

Did you know there could be a connection between having low energy, lack of concentration, muscle cramps and water? This Episode is all about water, and why you need a certain amount to thrive. Cathy starts by giving you some surprising statistics a...

Staying Young, Part 2 – BEST Foods TSSP139
February 10, 2021

Is staying young, energetic and vibrant high on your list of priorities? Having the best nutrition (the BEST foods) is one of the top ways to make that a reality, not just a dream! In this Episode, Part 2 of a mini-series,

Staying Young, Part 1 – Nurturing Youthfulness TSSP138
February 03, 2021

Is your goal to stay young, vibrant, energetic and totally healthy for your entire life? Its a fantastic goal! This new mini-series, Staying Young, explores factors that are involved in staying young
