The Sugar Switch® Podcast

The Sugar Switch® Podcast

Latest Episodes

6 Impactful Choices for GREAT Health TSSP177
June 22, 2022

Creating and sustaining great health doesnt just magically happen - it takes time, effort and conscious choices to help it happen. The task becomes much easier when your choices have high positive im

6 Nutrients to Strengthen Your Body’s Defences, Part 2  TSSP176
June 14, 2022

This is Part 2 of a mini-series all about 6 specific nutrients that can help you strengthen your bodys defences against germs, bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Your body is able utilize variou

6 Nutrients to Strengthen Your Body’s Defences, Part 1 TSSP175
June 08, 2022

The nutrients in food that you consume on a daily basis are incredibly important for your overall health and for your bodys defences against pathogens. This mini-series is all about 6 particular nut

 Invisible Health Hazard – Refined Food Oils  TSSP174
April 20, 2022

YIKES! Theres an invisible health hazard in foods you may be consuming every day! The invisible health hazard is refined food oils, which are being proven to be incredibly harmful! This Episode

Gratitude and Your Health – The Amazing Connection! TSSP173
February 17, 2022

This Episode is all about the amazing, perhaps even magical, connection between gratitude and your health. When we find ourselves in challenging or confusing situations - thats when we seem to need p

Keto Lifestyle and Kicking Sugar – Same or Different? TSSP172
February 08, 2022

Keto (Ketogenic) diets or lifestyles have become quite popular, for many reasons. But what is the difference between a Keto lifestyle and a Kick Sugar lifestyle? Thats exactly what youll discover in

Your Strong Immune System TSSP171
January 27, 2022

Your immune system is one of the cornerstones of your health - so it makes a lot of sense to be pro-active in keeping your immune system strong and robust. This Episode is all about what it means t

YOUR Health – YOUR Power! Part 5 TSSP170
January 12, 2022

YOUR Health is priceless! It is the most important asset you will EVER own! So it makes sense to stand in YOUR Power and make it strong. This is Part 5 in a series of Episodes that can help you do exa

YOUR Health – YOUR Power! Part 4 TSSP169
January 05, 2022

You have more power over your health than you think you do! YOUR Health - YOUR Power! Part 4 is a deep exploration about where YOUR Power comes from and how you can use that power to protect and impro

YOUR Health – YOUR Power! Part 3 TSSP168
December 29, 2021

YOUR Health is the most valuable possession you have! And you can use YOUR Power to protect it and strengthen it. In this Episode, Cathy discusses YOUR Power over stress, anxiety and fear, and she
