The Sugar Switch® Podcast

The Sugar Switch® Podcast

EMF Energy, Part 2 – Limit Your Exposure TSSP179

July 06, 2022

EMF (electromagnetic field) energy exposure and damage to human health is not a new issue, and it certainly isn’t going away any time soon. In fact, health concerns are increasing as more, stronger electromagnetic technologies are developed.

This makes it extremely important to learn all you can about EMFs, and to find ways to limit your exposure.  In this Episode Cathy starts with the effects of EMF radiation on children and youth - a topic that is not often discussed.  The rest of the Episode is all about 12 simple ways you can TAKE ACTION to limit your EMF exposure.  These are ideas you can implement right away, ranging from ways to use your cell phone differently to consuming 2 particular nutrient compounds that will help mitigate damage to your health. Even though it is almost impossible to completely avoid EMF radiation, you CAN drastically reduce your risk for related health issues.

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