The Sugar Switch® Podcast

The Sugar Switch® Podcast

6 Nutrients to Strengthen Your Body’s Defences, Part 2  TSSP176

June 14, 2022

This is Part 2 of a mini-series all about 6 specific nutrients that can help you strengthen your body’s defences against germs, bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.  Your body is able utilize various nutrients to help you stay strong. Many of those nutrients can be found in real whole foods, and some nutrients need to be obtained from supplementation.

This Episode includes a very brief recap of Part 1 and the first 3 nutrients of this mini-series, as well as a short summary of free radicals and antioxidants.  Then Cathy shares the easiest way to get the BEST nutrition from fresh fruits and vegetables. From there, you will discover how the last 3 nutrients (out of 6) strengthen your body’s defences: Vitamin C, Quercetin and NAC (N-Acetylcysteine).  Food sources are listed for 2 of these nutrients, while the 3rd nutrient needs to come from supplements.

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