The Sugar Switch® Podcast

The Sugar Switch® Podcast

 Invisible Health Hazard – Refined Food Oils  TSSP174

April 20, 2022

 YIKES! There’s an invisible health hazard in foods you may be consuming every day!  The invisible health hazard is refined food oils, which are being proven to be incredibly harmful!

 This Episode is a very deep dive into food oils, starting with why your body needs fats and oils. From there, Cathy explains specifically what she means by ‘food oils’, and gets right into the details about PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids), MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids), saturated fatty acids and trans fats.  You will discover exactly WHY food oils are so hazardous to health (there are at least 9 toxic effects), and you’ll hear about the correlation between refined food oils and chronic illness.  You will also hear about ‘food oil poisoning’  - an important, yet little known topic that may surprise you.

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