The Sugar Switch® Podcast

The Sugar Switch® Podcast

Keto Lifestyle and Kicking Sugar – Same or Different? TSSP172

February 08, 2022

Keto (Ketogenic) diets or lifestyles have become quite popular, for many reasons. But what is the difference between a Keto lifestyle and a Kick Sugar lifestyle? That’s exactly what you’ll discover in this Episode.

Cathy starts by clarifying why a keto lifestyle and a kick sugar lifestyle are not the same, even though they have one big aspect in common. You’ll hear what kicking sugar is all about, and what a keto lifestyle is all about, as well as the connection each one has with the 2 types of fuel your body uses. Then Cathy goes through a detailed comparison between Keto and kicking sugar. Before the end of this Episode, Cathy tells you about an extremely time limited, incredibly amazing Keto Lifestyle bundle of 25+ expert resources that you might want to check out.

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