The Sugar Switch® Podcast

The Sugar Switch® Podcast

YOUR Health – YOUR Power! Part 5 TSSP170

January 12, 2022

YOUR Health is priceless! It is the most important asset you will EVER own! So it makes sense to stand in YOUR Power and make it strong. This is Part 5 in a series of Episodes that can help you do exactly that.

In the last Episode (YOUR Health - YOUR Power! Part 4 TSSP169) Cathy mentioned that there are 8 beneficial nutrients that are not commonly talked about, yet there was only enough time to tell you about 4 of them. Now you can hear all about the other 4 nutrients. Join Cathy as she explores these nutrients, particularly their health benefits: Spirulina, N-Acetylcysteine (NAC), Beta-glucan and Glucosamine. Find out how these nutrients could help you stand in YOUR Power and strengthen YOUR Health - long term.

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