“The Skinny”

“The Skinny”

The Skinny #7: Tim Donegan joins us to talk Paleo, Zone Diet, & “IF”

March 20, 2014

Tim Donegan talks Paleo Diet, Zone Diet, & Intermittent Fasting.


Tim explains 
what you can and can’t eat on the Paleo Diet, what exactly Zone “Blocks” are, and how fueling your body as an athlete is finding which diet best suits you.

The Evolution of America


-We discuss why all diets should be highly adaptive
-Timing and self control in relation to diet
-Why the Paleo Diet is too broad
-Intermittent fasting
-Carbs, fat, and protein, and their place in a diet as well as the importance of knowing how much to take and the timing of consumption
-Why hormones dictate all change within the body- whether its how you feel or how you look
-Insulin and its ugly sister, glucagon
-Eating for your goals

Tim Donegan…

Tim Donegan is a 24 year old entrepreneur who owns his own CrossFit gym – CrossFit Stones River in Murfreesboro, TN.

Tim also works full time with Kill Cliff, and part time for 2pood wholesale apparel. 


Photo credit: Rodrigo Ortiz

He travels the country promoting both of these companies by selling quality workout apparel, and America’s recovery drink: Kill Cliff


Keep in Touch with Tim:
Find Tim on Instagram & Facebook


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