“The Skinny”

“The Skinny”

The Skinny #6: Creatine, Heart Rate, & Gym Problems

March 14, 2014
Dustin clears up some Creatine questions!


Creatine is one of the most researched supplements on the market. Unfortunately, many consumers (you guys), can get easily distracted from the facts of supplementation due to the flood of marketing techniques many supplement companies employ.
Dustin explains how creatine works, and what it should be used for. 
Buy ingredients, don’t buy labels!



Max Cleaver Study –

Dustin explains the biological metabolic rate equation that governs all life forms, & tells why every heart beat counts.




Finding fuel from both setbacks & success

How you define yourself is by the choices that you make today. The moment you commit to something is the moment you prepare to succeed.
The duo explains how in overall health, confidence has everything to do with where you end up. Moving forward in the right direction is important, no matter how fast or slow.



 Gym Problems! 


Dustin & Ginny explain the importance of finding a gym that suits you. They discuss issues they have recently run into, and how it has changed them for the better.




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