The Sex Dojo

The Sex Dojo

TSD Ep 40 – The Power of Love with Calgary Queer Church

March 25, 2017

In this week’s episode Jenna chats with The Program Director from Calgary Queer Church (CQC), Pace Anhorn! This emerging church of open-minded people are passionate about living a spiritual life. It is an inclusive safe space for the LGBTQ community where faith and identity can be reconciled. Do you think because the name of the church has “queer” in it that someone has to identify as so, think again! Find out just who this church is for and how one actually “queers” a church. When the focus is more on spirituality than religion the main message Pace and his colleagues want to get across is that everyone is loved. No matter who they are, what mistakes they have made in the past, they are accepted radically there.
When you think of church and sexuality are they usually on the other ends of the spectrum? Pace discusses how he challenges what the bible says about homosexuality and his views on sex before marriage. We chat about his relationship with the church, his journey to get where he is today and to finding happiness with himself. You can find more information about what they do and when they meet here. If you have ever felt out of place in other churches or made to feel like you don’t belong, Calgary Queer Church is for you. This episode will open your mind to a new kind of spiritual community that is a safe space for people to be raw, real and loved.