The Sex Dojo

The Sex Dojo

TSD Ep 34 – Can’t Orgasm During Sex and Some Advice on Sex Toys

December 22, 2016

In this week’s quickie episode Jenna shares big news on having a booth at The Wedding Fair on January 15, 2017.  She will be offering at home sex ed parties with a twist! A fun girls’ night in or bachelorette night full of education, games, fun and advice. If you are interested in buying tickets you can use promo code DOJO17 online here.
A new study came out that says regular heterosexual intercourse may improve this in women. Intrigued? Listen and find out! The other sex in the news article is  Roop’s favourite subject – sex robots. Hear his thoughts on this new thing of the future. Then finally we answer some listener questions. A women can’t orgasm through penetrative sex with her husband except for one night after she has a few drinks.  Why? How can she replicate vaginal penetration without the alcohol?  And we hear from a male listener who is curious about sex toys. What’s the best toy someone can use both anally and orally? Which companies have 100% medical grade silicone that is guaranteed to be non-porous? What’s the best way to clean toys and what other materials should someone look for when buying? Check this episode out!