The Sex Dojo

The Sex Dojo

TSD Ep 33 – To Have Or Not to Have… Pubic Hair & A Guy Who Can’t Ejaculate With His Partner

December 08, 2016

In today’s quickie episode Jenna and Roop discuss sex in the news that includes a guy in Kenya who has a rare disease that has caused his penis to swell to the size of a baby. We are constantly told to get 6-8 hours of sleep every night, have more sex and to work out daily but when is the best time to do it? Is it the same for everyone? According to science and a new book called The Power of When, it tells you exactly when to do those things. You can take a quiz to find out your chronotype and learn when to do almost anything! Ever been conflicted about what to do with your pubic hair? Everyone has their preferences with how they like it on a partner (full bush, trimmed, bare, etc), Jenna and Roop give some advice to a woman whose BF has an issue with it. What happens if you have no problem coming alone but when another person, like your partner is added, you can’t? This is a common problem many have, listen for some advice on how to deal with it!