The Septuagint Sessions

The Septuagint Sessions

The Septuagint Sessions #2 - Shoddy Greek? On the Language of the Septuagint I

March 19, 2014

In the second episode of The Septuagint Sessions, I talk about the impressions of the translators’ skills many gain from the peculiar style of the Septuagint translation. Does the Greek of the Septuagint betray translators ignorant of the Greek into which they attempted to render their Hebrew texts?

This is the first of a new series that will examine questions such as: Is “Septuagint Greek” a dialect? How proficient in Greek were the translators? What can we know about the translators’ identity? How has the vocabulary of the Septuagint influenced later reception? And before that, to what extent is the Septuagint responsible for innovations in Greek vocabulary?  

For more, see