The RoundBall Referee

The RoundBall Referee

013 – Joe DeRosa and Smitty Official’s Apparel

October 14, 2016

Joe DeRosa (Wikipedia) - former NBA official and current NCAA D1 official - joins us to talk about officiating apparel.  He's very well known for being one of two officials to have worked both the NBA Finals and the NCAA Final Four.  But he's also the man behind the "S" printed on the shirts we wear.  The "S" stands for Smitty Official's Apparel.  In our conversation, Joe tells the story of how he got this business started and what it has become today.  He also talks about the different styles of pants and shirts he and his company are putting on the market.

If you're looking to purchase new official's apparel, Joe says that Smitty is being sold by a number of retailers throughout the country.  Currently, his two largest customers are Purchase Officials Supplies and Ump-Attire.


Thanks again for listening to The RoundBall Referee.  Be sure to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions for upcoming episodes.
