Theresa Chaze: Until You Walk the Path

Theresa Chaze: Until You Walk the Path

Until You Walk the Path, You Won't Know Where it Goes

January 19, 2015

Until You Walk The Path, You Won’t Know Where it Goes hosting international renowned psychic medium and Paranormal Investigator, Christina Nelson at 1 pm eastern on January 19, 2015 as we talk about how the plethora of paranormal TV shows has both helped and hurt viewers.

Christina is part of a lineage of psychic mediums At an early age, Christina began to realize that there was something different about the way she saw the world. As Christina grew older, she began to seek out teachers in the field of psychic mediumship to help her hone her skills as a Spiritual Life Coach, and learn to listen to spirit. Today, Christina works closely with her spirit guide. It is her psychic abilities that set her apart from other paranormal investigators. Christina is currently working on a project showing the marriage of both her talents: Psychic Medium and Paranormal Investigator.