Theresa Chaze: Until You Walk the Path

Theresa Chaze: Until You Walk the Path

Until You Walk the Path, You Won't Know Where it

October 03, 2014

Until You Walk The Path, You Won’t Know Where it Goes will be chatting with Intuitive and Healer Tamara on October 3, 2014 at 1:00 eastern. We will be sharing information about how faith cures fear

Tamara is a psychic and medium for our time. She "tunes in" by her connection with you on the telephone. For 18 years Tamara has done her readings for Producers, Tamara the Psychic on radio showActors and one recent Academy Award winning actress along with many loyal clients across the United States. Tamara is available for psychic telephone readings; please call her today to schedule a life changing session.


Tamara has a natural talent for "seeing" amazing and astonishing details, timing and names. She is gifted in areas of finance, relationships, career advice and so much more. Tamara is an empath, clairvoyant and clairaudient, which adds to the depth of your reading. She is a Medium and can tap into the other side for a healing session. She is a psychic to other psychics. Many psychics have had sessions with her over the years.
