The Ready Room: A Star Trek Podcast

The Ready Room: A Star Trek Podcast

Latest Episodes

The Ready Room 180: You’ve Got Mail!
July 01, 2015

His Way. We discuss the introduction of jazz to DS9 and how a holographic singer with style helped bring Odo and Kira together. We also delve into the rights of holographic beings, Miles and Jules, and more.

The Ready Room 179: For the Love of Spock
June 21, 2015

Adam Nimoy Talks Star Trek, Documentary, and Dad. Perhaps no one better symbolizes Star Trek than Leonard Nimoy. He was like a father to many of us, and we’re joined by his own son to discuss life with Leonard as dad, and the documentary he is now making.

The Ready Room 178: It’s All About the Zippers
May 27, 2015

Déjà Q. After three appearances as a thorn in Picard’s side, Q has been kicked out of the omnipotence club. We discuss human Q and how he handles terrifying experiences like getting hungry and falling asleep.

The Ready Room 177: We Have Found ALL the Culture
May 13, 2015

The City On the Edge of Forever. Nearly 50 years after it was written, “City” remains one of the most beloved of all Star Trek episodes. We discuss why this story transcends time.

The Ready Room 176: A Clever Lampshade
April 25, 2015

Judgment. In a move that felt out of place in Enterprise’s second season, the writers dipped into Star Trek VI lore to put Archer into hot water with the Klingons. We discuss whether this was a clever move or a creative crutch.

The Ready Room 175: Don’t Knock the Cucumber Sandwiches
April 05, 2015

Persistence of Vision. Keeping the ship running smoothly has left Janeway with little time to eat (but apparently time to go goth). We unravel the mysteries of Jeri Taylor’s story of exhaustion and hallucinations in the Delta Quadrant.

The Ready Room 174: Klingon Courting for Dummies
March 21, 2015

Looking for par’Mach In All the Wrong Places. Sometimes love is staring you right in the face, and other times you have to search for it. We discuss DS9's romantic comedy and the matchmaking tandem of Worf and Jadzia—and their client, Quark.

The Ready Room 173: The Man Who Saved Star Trek
March 15, 2015

Remembering Harve Bennett. Right off the heels of Leonard Nimoy’s death came the news that another Star Trek great, Harve Bennett, had passed on. We look back at his career and role in Star Trek with Larry Nemecek.

The Ready Room 172: Jacking With His Earl Grey
March 08, 2015

Lessons. They say music brings us together. That was certainly the case when Captain Picard met Lt. Commander Nella Darren. We discuss Picard's extended robe time, musical trysts, and whether the writers connected with the message.

The Ready Room 171: Farewell, Leonard Nimoy
March 02, 2015

Together with Larry Nemecek, we look back at the life of the man who was Spock.