The Question Community Podcast | A Community Exploring Truth In Calgary, Alberta, Canada | TheQuesti

The Question Community Podcast | A Community Exploring Truth In Calgary, Alberta, Canada | TheQuesti

Latest Episodes

TQP 012: Words – Beacons of Creative Power or Mere Devices of Communication I
May 20, 2016

In the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know!?, a reference is made to how the molecular structure of water can be affected by the words, thoughts and feelings it is consistently exposed to. This isn’t something they pulled out of thin air.

TQP 011: The Real Star of Bethlehem
May 11, 2016

The story of the star is one of the most significant in the whole Bible, not just as an extraordinary standalone mythic phenomenon, which it is, but also as a trigger event for the literal birth of a whole spiritual movement that now influences over tw...

TQP 010: Science & Myth III
May 11, 2016

Archaeomythology, archeoastronomy, medical archeology, and geomythology have all gradually transformed what was once a one-dimensional wall between science and myth into a multi-dimensional window that allows scientific principles, recorded history,

TQP 009: Science & Myth II
April 01, 2016

Opening the window between science and myth can bring new clarity about the importance of engaging the question of mystery. Our modern attitudes often make it difficult to engage myth, but when thinkers engage myth as mystery, they cease to be judges.

TQP 008: Science & Myth I
March 25, 2016

Our popular but simple judgments about myth are kind of a smug, self-securing firewall to the apparent ignorance and backwardness of ancient people. We protect our intellectual security against such ancient ignorance by believing nothing when it comes ...

TQP 007: Synchronicity 2B
March 11, 2016

What is synchronicity? Synchronicity is a remarkable or unique concurrence of events that are not connected by cause, but may be connected by means. The seventh TQ podcast is a continuation of our fifth gathering in January,

TQP 006: Synchronicity 2A
March 05, 2016

What is coincidence? Coincidence is a remarkable or unique concurrence of events without any apparent causal connection. We’ve become so accustomed or conditioned to living in intellectual safety that we’ve been duped into believing that if our persona...

TQP 005: Synchronicity 1B
February 05, 2016

Have you ever had something synchronistic happen to you, and if so, have you ever wondered why? Have you ever had anyone say to you that things happen for a reason, and if so, what was your first response? -

TQP 004: Synchronicity 1A
January 29, 2016

Have you ever had something synchronistic happen to you, and if so, have you ever wondered why? Have you ever had anyone say to you that things happen for a reason, and if so, what was your first response? - Sometimes these incidents are convenient,

TQP 003: The Context of Truth
December 10, 2015

We can choose to examine a faraway object in the night sky with binoculars or a telescope. Or we can choose to examine a very tiny object with a magnifying glass or a microscope. Sometimes we don’t intentionally choose the option that will provide more...